Produce attractive, risk-adjusted returns throughout diverse market environments

King Street has committed $5.0 billion across 65+ real estate transactions since 2010. These investments have spanned a broad array of themes, geographies and property types. Our goal is to “buy well and add value.”


of committed capital


Real Estate Markets


Local operating partners


real estate transactions since 2010


of additional real estate-related investments since inception


Average years of industry experience of Real Estate Investment Committee

The select investments included on this Website are for illustrative purposes only, have been selected as a representation of certain investments made by King Street, and do not purport to be a complete list thereof. No assumption should be made that the investments described herein were or will be profitable, or that investments made in the future will be comparable to those described herein. References to investments included herein should not be construed as a recommendation of any particular investment. 

King Street’s investment strategies are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties, as further described in Item 8 of the King Street Capital Management, L.P. Form ADV Part 2 Brochure.