Focused on delivering alpha across market cycles.

Founded in 1995, King Street is a leading global alternative investment manager with expertise in credit, restructurings, bankruptcies, rescue financings, corporate and asset-based lending and structured credit, real estate and other complex or event-driven situations.

Cycles come and go, and we seek to continuously adapt to evolving markets, but our investment philosophy has been consistent since inception: focus on downside and the upside will take care of itself. We strive to:

  • Take advantage of the best long and short opportunities at any time
  • Be agnostic about sector, region and seniority in the capital stack
  • Focus on misunderstood and mispriced situations
  • Look for places where capital has been misallocated
  • Research-intensive approach to create an edge
  • Rigorous downside analysis and focus on capital preservation
  • Constantly re-underwrite the portfolio

*Determination of alpha is relative and there can be no assurance that King Street's investment strategies will not lose value. King Street’s investment strategies are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties, as further described in Item 8 of the King Street Capital Management, L.P. Form ADV Part 2 Brochure.

We believe that having a centralized investment team affords us the flexibility to quickly shift resources and capital to the best ideas.

The entire Firm is integral to our process, from research, trading and capital markets to legal, tax, risk management, operations and technology.


*All figures as of 2/28/2025